The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. To put its size into perspective, we can compare it to other animals or things which are more familiar to us. One of the obvious questions to ask is, how big is a blue whale compared to a human?
We have gathered comprehensive information on the size of blue whales and how they compare to other animals such as a sperm whale.
You will learn about the blue whale’s size, length, weight, how big they can get, and size comparisons to other objects like a human, bus, football field, and elephant.
Additionally interesting facts such as the size of its heart, eye, brain, veins, throat, mouth, tongue, blow hole, fin, and tail in relation to its overall body.

How Big is a Blue Whale Compared to a Human?
The average adult blue whale weighs more than 200 tons, which is over 2,670 times the size of an average human.
Blue Whale: Quick Facts
A blue whale is often compared to other animals and things in terms of size and weight. The following are the dimensions of a blue whale in comparison to many others.
- A blue whale has a mass of roughly 40 elephants. While an elephant is the largest animal on land.
- Only the tongue of a blue whale rivals an elephant in weight.
- Imagine if one blue whale were equivalent to 30 Tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs.
- A blue whale is on average the size of 2,670 humans.
- A blue whale weighs as much as 16 double-decker buses and is about the length of 3 lined up in a row.
- A blue’s length varies considerably, but it is approximately one-third of a football field long.
- A newborn blue whale is about twice the length of an ambulance at birth. A newborn blue whale is around 2,000 pounds heavier than an average automobile in weight.
- The blue mouth can accommodate 100 individuals at once.
- Blue whale blowholes are large enough that a small child could enter them.
- The heart of the blue whale is approximately the same size as a modern mid-size automobile’s anterior.
- A blue whale’s tail fin from tip to tip is almost as wide as a professional soccer goal.
What is the Average Size of a Blue Whale?
The blue whale is the biggest known animal ever to exist on planet Earth. With an average size of 82-105 feet, it only weighs up to 200 tons. The blue whale is such a great marine mammal that its tongue alone weighs as much as an elephant does.
The blue whale’s heart is only equal to the size and weight of an automobile, but the animal as a wholeHey everyone!The blue whale is sexually dimorphic, meaning that female individuals are larger in size and weight than males.
The sizes of these animals also differ depending on their habitat. Those found in the Southern Hemisphere are generally larger than those found in the Northern Hemisphere.

How Long do Blue Whales Typically Grow to be?
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) claims that there were 88 individuals more than 30 feet in length, with one measuring 33 meters (108 feet). However, difficulties obtaining data indicate that any individual beyond 30.5 meters is unverified.n.
The Discovery Committee found that the typical length of a blue whale is 31 meters (102 feet), with the longest one on record being 30 meters (98 feet).
Blue whales have a maximum length of 33 meters (108 feet) according to models based on the hydrodynamic study, due to metabolic and energy restrictions. National Geographic displays blue whale lengths between 25 and 32 meters (82 and 105 feet).
In the Eastern North Pacific, adult female blue whales have an average length of 22.0 meters (72.1 feet), in the Central and Western North Pacific they are 24 meters (79 feet), in the North Atlantic they are 21 to 24 meters (68 to 78 feet), and in the Antarctic ocean they are 25.4 to 26.3 meter (83.4 to 86.3 feet).
Adult female pygmy blue whales are, on average, 21.3 meters (69.9 feet) long. Chilean blue whales measure 23.5 meters (77.1 feet), on average.
How Long is a Blue Whale In Meters?
The average blue whale ranges from 25 to 32 meters in length, according to National Geographic.
How Long and How Big is a Blue Whale in feet?
The average blue whale, according to National Geographic, is about 82 to 105 feet long.
How Many Tons Does a Blue Whale Weigh?
Blue whales can weigh up to 200 tons, according to National Geographic. Male blues in the Northern Hemisphere tipped the scales at 110 tons on average, while females weighed in at 124 tonnes.
Male blue whales in the Eastern North Pacific weighed an average of 98 tons, while female blue whales averaged 110 tons.
The average weight of male Antarctic blue whales was measured as 124 tons and of females as 145 tons. The average weight of male pygmy blue whales was found to be 93-110 tons.
How Big is a Blue Whale’s Heart?
The heart of a blue whale is the largest known of any creature on Earth. It measures around 5 feet long and 4 feet wide, with a height of 5 feet.
The average weight for this creature is 400 lbs (181 kg), which is 14 times the size of an elephant’s heart. A standard specimen in the North Atlantic was recently weighed at 438 lbs.

What is the Size of a Blue Whale Eye?
The eye of a blue whale is comparable in size to a grapefruit or a baseball. The eyes of this species are among the tiniest on Earth, owing to their enormous proportions.
It’s been stated that they don’t rely on their eyes or vision for hunting or protection. That is why they have such tiny eyes.
How Large is a Blue Whale’s Brain in Comparison to its Body?
Although blue whales have small brains in comparison to their massive body size, research says that brain size does not determine an animal’s intelligence.
What is the Size of a Blue Whale Fin?
Blue whales’ dorsal fin is tiny and curved, measuring less than one foot in length. However, the size of this fin varies considerably among individuals. Blue whale flippers are rather stubby, measuring about 12% of the overall body length.
How Big is a Blue Whale’s Vein?
A blue whale’s veins and aorta are both really big. The diameter of the aorta, or blood vessel that transports blood from the heart to the body, is approximately 9.1 inches (23 cm).
It is said that the vein of a blue whale is so wide that an adult human can readily swim through it. It’s just hyperbole, though. An adult human can only fit his head in a tube 9 inches in diameter, not his entire body.
A Human Can Fit in a Blue Whale’s Veins, Right?
Blue whale veins are enormous, measuring 9 inches in diameter. A person, on the other hand, can only fit his head in because to their incredible girth.
Men’s average shoulder width is 16 inches while women’s is around 14, both measured in the United States. This difference makes it much harder for women to fit into a tube that has a diameter of only 9 inches.
A blue whale’s aorta, according to some reports, is so big that an adult human can simply swim through it. However, it is not the case.

How Big is a Blue Whale Mouth?
According to experts, the mouth of a blue whale is so huge, stretchy, and broad that it may swallow a significant amount of water at once equal to about its body weight. Their mouth is particularly unusual..
They have the ability to unlock their mouth at a near-90° angle. Their mouth is like an accordion, and the floor of their mouth may stretch up to four times its usual size.
Based on the observation of recovered blue whale skeletons and carcasses as well as on an estimated swimming speed during deep dives, researchers believe that a 25-meter-long blue whale could consume approximately 80,000 liters of water in one gulp. According to BBC Earth, the mouth of a blue whale is so big that it can accommodate around 100 people at once.
The Size of a Blue Whale Tongue
The tongue of blue whales is the biggest of any animal on Earth, measuring at 18 feet long and weighing approximately 3 tons (2,700 kg). To give perspective, only their tongue is around equal to the weight of an elephant.
What is The Size of a Blue Whale’s Throat?
The throats of baleen whales (including the blue whale) are only about as big around as a basketball, according to NOAA.
Although blue whales have a much larger and stretchier mouth, their throat is only about the size of a human hand. The diameter of their oesophagus is only 10.1 cm (4 inches), which doesn’t allow them to swallow large prey items.
What is the Size of a Blue Whale’s Stomach?
A blue whale’s stomach is big enough to hold 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) of krills at a time. In fact, every day during the summer feeding season they eat about 40 million krills! And that’s not all–blue whales need up to 4,000 kg (9,000 lbs) of crustaceans daily.
How Big is a Blue Whale Blow Hole?
The blowhole is a spiracle situated on the top of a whale’s head, and therefore its breathing organ. The blue whale’s blowhole, for example, has a circumference of 50 cm. It is large enough that you could fit a human baby through it!
How Wide is a Blue Whale’s Tail?
The length of the blue whale’s tail has been recorded at 12 to 15 feet. According to another source, it is around 25 feet long, comparable to roughly half the length of a school bus. If the tail of blue whales is 25 feet wide from one fluke to the next, it is as big as a professional soccer goal.
What is the Average Size of a Newborn Blue Whale?
A newborn blue whale (sometimes known as a calf) is 6.0 to 7.6 meters long and weighs 2 to 3 metric tons, or 5,000 to 6,000 pounds. It is roughly equivalent in weight to an adult female African bush elephant (which has a weight of around 3.3 short tons). It is approximately the size of a small school bus in terms of length.