Surf's Up Magazine

giant trevally

Giant Trevally: All you Need to Know

The mighty giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) is an awe-inspiring, voracious creature that inhabits the Indo-Pacific region. Also known as lowly or barrier trevally, giant kingfish and ulua. It has become a favored game fish among anglers due to its strength and ferocity. However, while its flesh is generally palatable, certain specimens are ciguatoxic and may…

surfing in guam

Surfing in Guam

Nestled in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, lies a sun-kissed American territory boasting year-round tropical temperatures and sandy shores. Surfing in Guam is beginning to gain in popularity. It’s no wonder why it offers some of the best surfing spots around. They’re just as inviting as its ocean neighbors! The friendliest destinations are without…

surfing comments

Surfing Comments

From epic proclamations to timeless reflections, legendary surfing comments have resonated with wave riders from generation to generation. Indeed, some of the world’s most renowned surfers have immortalized their words for all eternity. Surfing quotations have the power to move us with their revolutionary nature, groundbreaking ideas, and inspirational messages. With surfer quotes come thought-provoking…

is surfing dangerous

Is Surfing Dangerous?

Despite several prominent fatalities over the last few years, surfing is not all that dangerous. It may come as a surprise that surfing in even colossal waves is substantially less hazardous than what meets the eye. Read on to learn more about surfing and its ostensible dangers. Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment…

is ocean water good for your hair

Is Salt Water Good for your Hair?

Saltwater is thought to have substantial advantages for both skin and hair, especially on the scalp. With its many vitamins and minerals, merely being in a salt water environment can nurture your scalp and tresses. However, too much exposure could dry out your locks just like it does with the skin. Thus, moderation is key…

surfing at night

Night surfing: All You Need to Know

Night surfing offers a unique adventure unlike any other, and is an extraordinary way to stay fit while being immersed in the beauty of nature. It’s no wonder that so many people have already fallen in love with regular day-time surfing. Night time surfing amps up the excitement even more! Undoubtedly, day surfing remains the…

surfboard yellowing

Surfboard Yellowing: Why Does It Happen?

Surfboards face a lot of wear and tear. From dings, to sun exposure for extended periods. This can result in reducing their performance and lifespan significantly. When neglected, sand and grime will accumulate on the surface of our boards resulting in a diminished deck, rails and underbody. Plus, as if that wasn’t bad enough, discoloration…

ethan ewing blonde surfer hair

Blonde Surfer Hair

When we think of surfers, blonde hair often comes to mind – so much so that films and television shows depict this as the norm. The movie “Point Break” is a prime example. Patrick Swayze’s character had his locks purposely bleached in order to give him an authentic surfer appearance. It has become accepted that…

how to wax a surfboard

How To Wax A Surfboard

So we’ve answered the question of why do you wax a surfboard, and now you’re probably wondering how to do it. This guide serves as an invaluable resource for both newbies and more experienced riders alike. Helping both groups grasp the basics of proper board waxing. So let’s dive right in and learn how to…

why do you wax a surfboard

Why do you Wax a Surfboard?

While trying to master the art of surfing can be daunting, there are certain ways that make your journey easier. Have you ever seen surfers apply wax on their boards before hitting the waves? This may have got you wondering, why do you wax a surfboard? You may wonder what advantage does this add and…